Chinese 201 Daily Class Schedule

List of Abbreviations:
CWB: Character Workbook, D: Dialogue, G: Grammar, HW: Homework, L: Lesson, TB: Textbook, Q: Quiz, WB: Workbook

WEEK 8 Oct. 16 – Oct. 20, 2023


Week 8

Class Tasks & Activities
E-Textbook & Lab: FluencyLink

Preparation & Work Due
(after today’s class and before next period)


no class

Fall Break

Discussion sessions meet regularly this week:
Session 1 on Wednesday @ 3:00-3:50 pm in Wyatt 209:
Audrey, Bianca, Joe, Hope, BonacicNevan

Session 2 on Thursday @ 3:30-4:20pm 
in Wyatt 209:
Aaron, Devan, Lila, Naomi, Matt, Shota

Week 8 Tasks:

1. Practice Reading the poem:

Sample reading #1 by David Wu | reading #2 Gong Yi
More about the Poem:
1. Background info and translation: Su Shi水調歌頭
2. More song versions – 
√ Theresa Teng鄧麗君 (1983 recording)
√ Tsinghua A Cappella Group (2020)
√ 張韶涵 Angela Zhang (2022)
√ 绿叶红花乐团 (2022)

√ Follow along to sing version | Karaoke Version

2. Practice conversation on favorite food: Chinese dishes with photos

HW9 Video Poem Recording:

DUE next Monday (10/23) before class
Poetry Recitation by Dashan:
Su Sh
i’s  明月幾時有 Water Melody
Join Voicethread Chinese 201 Class Group
√ Record your best try in a video recitation
1. Record directly on this VT using video mode
2. Or: Upload a Video onto VT project slide
3. Or: Upload a UR Link to your video (allow general access)

HW10 L13 D1 Grammar Video:

DUE next Wednesday 10/25 before class

√ Watch Video Grammar 13.1
(Textbook PP. 70-73 没有
Review grammar while watching the video: type out exercise sentences in characters, including sample sentences. Share in Google drive: 201HW10_名字

Prepare for Quiz 7 next Friday on L13 D1
Scheduled next Friday 10/27 before class

Directional words: Location Words (1)

Study 15 Direction and Location Words:
Use with suffix

Use with suffix miàn:

Middle: zhōngjiān
Know how to use them

Next Project:
Favorite Food Prompt

√ Review past work About Food






Listen to US Consulate in China Recitation (2022 Mid-Autumn)
Q&A Poem Recording Video

Activity: Chinese dishes with photos
 Can you read the menu? 
√ Have you tried these dishes?
√ What do you like to eat?
√ What do you know about Chinese food?
√ Can you recommend a local restaurant?
Lesson 13.1 | PPT | Vocabulary



How to record HW9
Assign HW10

Lesson 13.1 | PPT |Vocabulary
Review Location Words (1) | More About Location Words (2)



Additional Reading and Resources:

§   30 Best Chinese and Taiwanese Snacks You Should Try, Vivid Chinese: Infographics for Learning Chinese.

§   Ordering food in Chinese, Du Chinese Blog.

§   The Origins of Bubble Tea with Chun Shui Tang, Taiwan Scene, Jan 27, 2020.

§   春水堂 Chun Shui Tang Menu | Menu PDF | 鼎泰豐 Ding Tai Fung Menu English | Menu in Chinese