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1... línea - Second Line Infantry Division
2 tal vez ... germánica - perhaps impelled by his Germanic blood
3 la dicha ... músicas - the dash and grace of certain music
4 el hábito de estrofas - the familiar stanzas
5 Martín Fierro: - famoso poema gauchesco de Hosé Hernández: una de las obras capitales de la literatura argentina.
6 una ... imagen - he continually recalled the image
7 las Mil y una Noches de Weil - Weil's edition of The Thousand and One Nights
8 le ... infierno - it astonished him that they did not know he was in Hell
9 lo iluminaron ... vértigo - they shined bright lights on him until he was blind and dizzy
10 tenía ... pozo - was similar to a well
11 pudo ... infierno - he came to understand that he had merely been, up to then, in a suburb of Hell
12Dahlmann ... destino - Dahlmann burst out in tears of self-pity for his fat
13 las modestas diferencias - the modest variety
14 Dahlmann ... firme. - Dahlmann was in the habit of saying that this is no more convention, and that whoever crosses that street enters a more ancient and harsher world.
15 Yriguyen: Hipólito Yrigoyen (o Irigoyen), Presidenie de Argentina (1916-22; 1928-30)..
16 aquel contacto Instante - that contact was illusory and that they were as if separated by a pane of glass, because man lives in time, in successión, and the magic animal [1ives] in the present, in the eternity of the intant.
17 tan ... desdicha - so closely connected to the history of his misfortune
18 Shahrazad: Scheherazade. En las Mil y una noches, es la hija del visir del Rey Ahahriyar. Se casa con el rey, pero evita la muerte que es el destino común de sus esposas diciéndole los relatos que comprenden la obra. interrumpiéndolos en un punto interesante cada noche y continuándolos la próxima.
19 era ... servidumbres - it was as if he weretwo men at once: the one who travelled through the autumn day and through the geography of the fatherland. and the other one, locked up in a sanitarium and subject to methodical servitude
20 porque ... literario - because his actual knowledge of the countryside was greatly inferior to his nostalgic and literary knowledge
21 Alguna vez durmió - From time to time he slept
22 Menos ... cosas - Less to avoid fatigue than to make those things [the walk, the setting sun, the plain] last
23 Pablo y Virginia: Paul et Virginie, un rcmance escrito por el autor francés Bemardin de St. Pierre, publicado en 1787.
24 creyó... patron - thought he recognized the shopkeeper
25 EI hombre ... jardinera - After the man had heard Dahhnann's story, he said that he would have the carriage hitched up for him
26 estaba ... eternidad - he seemed outside of time, in eternity
27 gauchos ... Sur -gagauchos like that no longer exist except in the South
28 La oscuridad ... campo - The darkness began to cover the plain
29 Ocioso ... soñolienta. - Relaxed, he relished the tart flavor [of the wine], and let his gaze, now somewhat drowsy, wander about the place.
30 Dahlmann ... buscando. - Dahlman pushed the proprietor aside, confronted the peones, and asked them what they were after.
31 A un paso ... lejos. - Almost in Juan Dahlmann's face, he shouted insults, as if he were very far away.
32 pero su esgrima..- adentro but his knife play went no farther than the notión that aill strokes should be directed upward, with the [knife] edge held inward
33 Vamos saliendo - Let s get going

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