kafkiana = Kafkaesque. A situation of great and mortifying
absurdity. See Franz Kakfa
cuenta atrás = countdown
al pie de la letra = to the letter of the law, strictly
en regla = in order
angustia = angst, suffering
plazo = deadline
aplazamiento = delay, extension
suponer = to imply, to amount to (supone = implies, amounts
espada de Damocles = Damocles's sword. An impending
unavoidable threat
cometido = commited (cometer = to comit)
delitos = crimes
lleven años = have spent years (llevar años
= to spend years [doing something or at a place])
regularizar = formalize, to put in order
dada = given (dado-a/s)
países de origen = countries of origin, native countries
batallando = fighting (batallar = to carry out a battle,
to fight)
embajadas = embassies
Tal es = Such is
ha hecho colas interminables = has stood in endless lines
(hacer cola = to stand in line)
capataz = foreman
bien porque... o... = because either... or...
visados temporales = temporary visas
caducado = expired ( caducar = to expire, to run out)
pisado = stepped (pisar = to step or set foot on)
suelo norteamericano = American soil
ser sorprendidos = being caught (sorprender = to surprise,
to catch someone in the act)
parlamentarios = legislators
empresarial = related to business (empresa = business, company,
firm, etc.)
inquieto = worried
prórroga = delay, extension
partidario = s/he who sides with one cause or another (partido
= group, band, association)
liderados = led (lider = leader)
tejano = Texan
no dan su brazo a torcer = do not give up (no dar mi [tu,
su, nuestro, su] brazo a torcer = not to give up)
permanezca = remain (permanecer = to remain)
tramitando = transacting (tramitar = to transact, file papers
or documents, etc.)
papeleo = paper work
descubierto = discovered (descubrir = to discover)
expulsado = expelled (expulsar = to expel)
deportados = deported (deport)
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