cuentos de hadas = Fairy tales
cursilerías = tackiness
enlace = union, that is, wedding
infanta = Spanish royal title: the daughter of a Spanish
king is an infanta
procedencia = origin
dispar = uneven, that is, different
En principio = In principle
a nadie se le escapa que = no one ignores that (escapársele
algo a alguien = for someone to miss or ignore something)
escenario = stage, backdrop
ha acogido = has welcomed (acoger)
afecto = affection
retransmisión = broadcast
sobriedad = sobriety
ligó = linked, joined (ligar = to link or join)
andadura = path, course, destiny (andar = to walk)
- transición democrática = transition: Reference to the Spanish
transition from the dictatorship of General Francisco Franco (1939 - 1975)
to Democracy (1975 - ). The dates of the "transición" are
vague, but most agree that it is over soon after the attempted coup
d'ètat in 1981, in which the King of Spain, Juan Carlos
I, played a great role by standing up against the plotters in defense of
the democratic institutions.
aficiones = hobbies, pastimes
descalificar = to discredit or disqualify
generó = generated, created (generar)
dar la enhorabuena = wish the best, congratulate
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