Associate Professor

Chair, Department of English

University of Puget Sound
1500 N. Warner St
Tacoma, WA 98416-1045

Office: Wyatt 338

Fall 2010 Office Hours: Tues and Thurs 3:30-5pm

                                and by appointment


I have been at the University of Puget Sound, on and off, since 1999 (between 2002-2004, I taught at San Diego State University).  I received a Ph.D. in Literature from Rutgers University in New Jersey.  Prior to that I attended the University of Maryland, College Park and high school in Bethesda, MD; even further back, I was educated at the glamorously-named Scindia Kanya Vidhlayah in Gwalior, India, and even before that I was a pupil of the the Irish-trained nuns at St. Joseph's Convent in Bhopal.  Given this trajectory, it is but natural that my scholarly area of inquiry would  be 19th century British literature and culture!  My areas of interests in the period are: industrialism, gender, and empire; travel and colonialism; filth and disease; feminism and masculinity; and the English novel, especially George Eliot, the Brontes, Dickens, and my latest interest, Wilkie Collins.    




Gender Studies Program

Advice to Students Asian Studies Program
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