I have taught at Rutgers University, San Diego State University, and University of Puget Sound in a number of departments and programs: English, Writing, Women's Studies, Asian Studies.  My teaching expertise and interests are in:  

    Nineteenth-century British literature and culture
The British Novel -- 18th c to the present
Post-colonial literatures and theory
South Asian Fiction and Film
Feminist Theory
Gender Studies

Courses Taught at Puget Sound

English 135             Travel Writing and the Other
English 210             Introduction to English Studies         Links to Art

English 223             British Literature III: Survey from Victoria to the Present
English 360             The Brontes

English 444             Industry and Empire in 19thc Britain
English 470              Bleak House and Middlemarch
English 471              Bollywood Film                                      For a scheduling of S'09 screenings, please click here.
English 478             Jane Eyre and Revision
English 484             Indian [i.e. South Asian] Fiction   Indian Hybridity and Map of India
Gender 201              Introduction to Gender and Feminist Studies
Women Studies 494 Feminist Methodology and Thesis Writing