普及灣大學中文第十週進度表 Print Week #10 schedule in PDF File
第十週: 3/24-3/28 |
中文305三年中文3rd-year Chinese |
孫珞 Lo Sun Perry |
課程目標Overview & Goal:
students to the Chinese classics; 2.
selections from the Analects and Tang Poetry; 3.
three selected poems by two contemporary poets from China and Taiwan. |
Board: ·
See Chinese Tutor Schedule (Yu-Ya has a new schedule: Mon 1-3; Wed 6-7; Thurs 4-6. Andrea’s schedule is still the same: Tu 4-6; Th 12-2) ·
Hour on Tuesday Chinese Film: Course of the Golden Flower |
Week #10 |
課前功課Homework Due Before Class |
上課內容 In-Class Topics |
文化點Culture Point |
星期一 (3/24) |
& recite Tang poems: A Spring Morning/At Heron Lodge/A Spring View/Drinking
Along ·
modern poetry: 偶然 ·
張清芳 - 偶然 |
Farewell Kang Bridge 再別康橋
余光中 鄉愁 Assignment: base on two poems (one classical, one
modern) you have read, write a reaction essay: 談談你讀中國詩的感想 (about 200 characters, typed, triple-spaced) If you would like to
hand write the essay, please download blank Writing Sheet, use page 5. ). Two Essay
Points due: Friday 3/28; Completed Essay due: Monday 3/31 |
About Chinese
Poetry Tang
Poetry [Audio/Video/Text] 唐詩 王之渙At Heron Lodge登 鸛 鵲 樓 唐詩 杜甫A Spring View春 望 唐詩 李白 Drinking
Along月 下 獨 酌 Poetry Reading – China the Beautiful
小時候 長大後 後來啊 而現在
305 Conversation time: View Elizabeth Million’s China Photos 01:47 rkong0101 Views: 14,561 |
星期三 (3/26) |
Select two poems to write
about; start working on Reaction Essay; come up with two main points to
share in class |
Share your selections of poems for reaction essay
and read out loud ·
Brainstorm on your own
creative poetry writing More Modern Poems 中国詩人庫 |
星期五 (3/28) |
Essay (Monday 3/31) ·
working on your own poem (due Friday 4/4) |