普及灣大學中文第週進度表 Print Week #10 schedule in PDF File



: 3/24-3/28

中文305三年中文3rd-year Chinese

孫珞 Lo Sun Perry

課程目標Overview & Goal:

1.        Introduce students to the Chinese classics;

2.        Read selections from the Analects and Tang Poetry;

3.        Study three selected poems by two contemporary poets from China and Taiwan.

公告欄Bulletin Board:

·         See Chinese Tutor Schedule (Yu-Ya has a new schedule: Mon 1-3; Wed 6-7; Thurs 4-6.  Andrea’s schedule is still the same: Tu 4-6; Th 12-2)

·         Conversation Hour on Tuesday Chinese Film: Course of the Golden Flower
滿城盡帶黃金甲or The Promise 無極5:30-7:30 Wyatt 209


Week #10

Homework Due Before Class

上課內容 In-Class Topics

文化點Culture Point
 View Elizabeth Million’s China Photos

星期 (3/24)

·         Review & recite Tang poems: A Spring Morning/At Heron Lodge/A Spring View/Drinking Along

·         Read modern poetry: 偶然

·         張清芳 - 偶然
Stella Chang - By Chance

·         余光中


·         徐志摩 By Chance 偶然

·         徐志摩 Farewell Kang Bridge 再別康橋

youtube Flash Video Poetry Reading 02:07


·         余光中 鄉愁


Assignment: base on two poems (one classical, one modern) you have read, write a reaction essay: 談談你讀中國詩的感想 (about 200 characters, typed, triple-spaced) If you would like to hand write the essay, please download blank Writing Sheet, use page 5.

). Two Essay Points due: Friday 3/28; Completed Essay due: Monday 3/31

About Chinese Poetry

Tang Poetry [Audio/Video/Text]
唐詩 孟浩然A Spring Morning

唐詩 王之渙At Heron Lodge

唐詩 杜甫A Spring View

唐詩 李白 Drinking Along


Poetry Reading – China the Beautiful

Poetry of Xu Zhimo
(2.4) - Xu Zhimo (1896-1931) was leader in the modern poetry movement in China. His studies in the US and UK exposed him to the Western poetic tradition, and inspired his own experiments with vernacular poetry in both free style and traditional forms. His work is known for its expressiveness and imagination, its assertive use of the first-person voice, and its iconoclastic exploration of themes of love, beauty, and freedom. Twelve of his best-known poems are included here. (View Text | Download Text)

Poetry of  Yu Guangzhong

余光中 鄉愁 WORD | PDF






305 Conversation time:
Wed. 2-3 p.m. Wyatt 246 (Yang Laoshi)
Friday 10-11 a.m. Wyatt 246


View Elizabeth Million’s China Photos
View Chinese TV Show:


01:47 From: rkong0101

Views: 14,561


星期 (3/26)

·         Select two poems to write about; start working on Reaction Essay; come up with two main points to share in class

·         Read 中国新诗名家:
:  一切 
:  远和近

·         Review 新诗名家:
:  远和近

·         Share your selections of poems for reaction essay and read out loud

·         Brainstorm on your own creative poetry writing

More Modern Poems 中国詩人庫

星期 (3/28)

·         Complete Reaction Essay (Monday 3/31)

·         Start working on your own poem (due Friday 4/4)

Topics: Literature: China >> Classical Literature

Li Bo (701-762) [Audio/Video/Text]
A video unit on the Tang poet Li Bo, introduced in the unit above. Featuring Columbia University professor Paul Rouzer, Asia Society President Emeritus Robert Oxnam, and Harvard University professor Stephen Owen.

Du Fu (721-770) [Audio/Video/Text]
A video unit on the Tang poet Du Fu, introduced in the unit above. Featuring Columbia University professor Paul Rouzer, Asia Society President Emeritus Robert Oxnam, and Harvard University professor Stephen Owen.

"Spring Gaze" by Du Fu [Reading]
Here a poem by Du Fu is presented in Chinese characters with the Romanization for each character, the English meaning of each character, and an English translation of the poem.



