La Internacional

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La Internationale - Himno internacional del comunismo en sueco- MP3

L'Internationale was written in 1888 by Adolphe Degeyter (to lyrics written 1871 by Eugène Pottier) and embraced by the Socialist International as the transnational anthem or the working masses. The Bolsheviks adopted L'Internationale as the Soviet national anthem. In 1944 Stalin replaced it with the "Hymn of the Soviet Union" for reasons of morale -- battlefield reports indicated soldiers were more willing to die for Mother Russia than for an international working class.

The Internationale: English Version

Arise ye starvelings [or workers] from your slumbers
Arise ye criminals of want
For reason in revolt now thunders
and at last ends the age of cant.
Now away with all your superstitions
Servile masses arise, arise!
We'll change forthwith [or henceforth] the old conditions
And spurn the dust to win the prize.


Then come comrades rally
And the last fight let us face
The Internationale
Unites the human race. (repeat).

We peasants, artisans and others,
Enrolled amongst the sons of toil
Let's claim the earth henceforth for brothers
Drive the indolent from the soil.
On our flesh for too long has fed the raven
We've too long been the vultures prey.
But now farewell to spirit craven
The dawn brings in a brighter day.


No saviour from on high delivers
No trust we have in prince or peer
Our own right hand the chains must shiver
Chains of hatred, greed and fear.
Ere the thieves will out with their booty
And to all give a happier lot.
Each at his forge must do his duty
And strike the iron while its hot.


La Internacional [Spanish/Castilian]

Arriba, parias de la Tierra.
En pie, famélica legión.
Atruena la razón en marcha,
es el fin de la opresión.

Del pasado hay que hacer añicos,
legión esclava en pie a vencer,
el mundo va a cambiar de base,
los nada de hoy todo han de ser.

Agrupémonos todos,
en la lucha final.
El género humano
es la internacional.

Ni en dioses, reyes ni tribunos,
está el supremo salvador.
Nosotros mismos realicemos
el esfuerzo redentor.

Para hacer que el tirano caiga
y el mundo siervo liberar,
soplemos la potente fragua
que el hombre libre ha de forjar.

Agrupémonos todos,
en la lucha final.
El género humano
es la internacional.

La ley nos burla y el Estado
oprime y sangra al productor.
Nos da derechos irrisorios,
no hay deberes del señor.

Basta ya de tutela odiosa,
que la igualdad ley ha de ser,
no más deberes sin derechos,
ningún derecho sin deber.

Agrupémonos todos,
en la lucha final.
El género humano
es la internacional.
