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    1. Resource x: What is Reading
    2. Resource x1: Reading texts
    3. Resource 1: Critical Reading: A Guide
    4. Resource 2: La argumentación sobre una obra literaria
    5. Resource 3: Selden "Introduction: A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory
    6. Resource 4: Some Characteristics of Contemporary Theory
    7. Resource 5: Barthes "The Death of the Author"
    8. Resource 6: The 'Death of the Author' as an Instance of Theory
    9. Resource 7: Reader-Response: Various Positions
    10. Resource 8: Jorge Luis Borges - "Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius"
    11. Resource 9: Expository Writing: Review of Basic Principles
    12. Resource 10: Basic Tips for Writing a Literary Analysis
    13. Resource 11: Thesis Statement Basics
    14. Resource 12: Models for an MLA Style Works Cited Page
    15. Resource 13: "El monte de las ánimas"
    16. Resource 14: Feminismo: 3 breves artículos
    17. Resource xx: Sources and Approaches (The Origin of a Poem and The Art of Reading)
    18. Resource 15: Learning Lab Tips on Critical Analysis - Poetry
    19. Resource 16: POETRY ANALYSIS: A Quick Reference Guide
    20. Resource 17: Poetry Analysis Fact Sheet
    21. Resource 18: "Walking Around"
    22. Resource 19: Bernarda Alba Study Guide
    23. Resource 20: Postmodernism
    24. Resource 21: Jorge Luis Borges - "El sur"