FL 380: An Archaeology of the "Boom": Modern Latin American Prose Fiction

Reading Guide to García Márquez #3
One Hundred Years of Solitude

  1. 276 A crack in the line of solitude: "Meme then saw Fernanda..."
  2. 277 The perpetuation of solitude: "Nothing," Meme answered...
  3. 278 Incest revisited: "...and he furnished for her a room..."
  4. 280 Transculturation: "Meme learned to swim like a professional..."
  5. 282 Amaranta's solitude: "She had reached old age with all her..."
  6. 284 Amaranta and death: "At the final moment, however..."
  7. 285 Her solitude: "The world was reduced to the surface of..."
  8. 285 Magical Realism: "...to take letters to the dead."
  9. 287 Amaranta's solitude: "It's of no use now"
  10. 290 Mauricio Babilonia
    a. 292 Magical Realism: "It was then that she realized..."
  11. 302 The strike: "The workers demanded that they no be obliged..."
  12. 303 Úrsula's intuitions: "Just like Aureliano. . . It's as if the world were repeating itself."
  13. 305 Fernanda's inventiveness: Aureliano Babilonia: "If they believe it in the Bible..."
  14. 305 A visit from another book: "Lorenzo Gavilán, . . . had been witness to the heroism of his comrade Artemio Cruz."
  15. 307 ¡Entre abogados te veas! (May lawyers hound you!): "It was there that the sleight-of-hand lawyers proved that (...) the workers did not exist."
  16. 308 An army for its people: "...they were all identical, sons of the same bitch..."
  17. 311 The massacre: "Many years later that child would still tell..."
  18. 312 A curious death: "Colonel Gavilán, who still held wrapped..."
  19. 314 The official story: "The night before he had read an extraordinary proclamation to the nation..."
    a. 315 Mr. Brown and the rain.
  20. 316 "You must have been dreaming (. . .) This is a happy town."
  21. 318 A mystery revealed: "José Arcadio Segundo reached the conclusion that Colonel Aureliano Buendía was nothing but a faker..."
  22. 320 Magical Realism: "It rained for four years, eleven months..."
  23. 323 A prelude of things to come: "Amaranta Úrsula . . . thought of her nephew as scurrying toy..."
  24. 324 Fernanda's solitude: "But her twisted habit of not calling things by her name..."
  25. 334 The solitude of senility: "Úrsula was happy in the midst of the unreal relatives..."
    a. 340 A prophecy: "If we go on like this we'll be devoured by animals."
  26. 341 "...and once again she shuddered with the evidence that time was not passing, as she had just admitted, but that it was turning in a circle."
  27. 347 Úrsula's last moments of lucidity: "She finally mixed up the past with the present in such a way..."
  28. 349 Magical Realism: "Santa Sofía de la Piedad had the certainty that they would find her dead from one moment to the next..."
  29. 350 The Wandering Jew
  30. 351 "It was also around that time that the gypsies returned..."
  31. 354 Aureliano Babilonia speaks: "...with such good sense that to Fernanda he was like a sacrilegious parody of Jesus among the wise men..."
  32. 355 Uncle and Nephew: "...and then they understood that José Arcadio Buendía was not as crazy as the family said..."
  33. 358 "Two months later Amaranta Úrsula went to Brussels..."
  34. 361 Magical Realism or Lo real maravilloso?: "...he reached adolescence without knowing a thing about his own time but with the basic knowledge of a medieval man."
  35. 366 Solitude: "Even under those circumstances Aureliano and Fernanda did not share their solitude..."
  36. 370 Fernanda's epiphany: "Her heart of compressed ash. . . nostalgia."
  37. 374 Incest yet once more: "Then he would continue his anxious..."
  38. 374 The solitude of communication: "It never occurred either to him or to Fernanda that..."
  39. 377 Incest and pederasty: "The four oldest children..."
  40. 379 Aureliano's wisdom: "Everything is known."
  41. 381 Solitude's intimations: "Only then did he understand how much..."
    a. 382-383 A new beginning: Amaranta Úrsula and Gastón: "No one in the house had ever been in a better mood at all hours..."
    b. 384 "Active, small, and indomitable like Úrsula, and almost as pretty and provocative as Remedios the Beauty. . ."
  42. 386-387 She spoke to him of Macondo. . ."
  43. 391 Incest yet once more: "So Aureliano was still a virgin when Amaranta Úrsula returned to Macondo. . ."
    a. 394 Aureliano and his 4 arguing pals: Álvaro, Germán, Alfonso, and Gabriel...
    b. A revelation of some importance: "It had never occurred to him until then to think that literature was the best plaything that had ever been invented to make fun of people..."
    i. 395 "...he was closer to Gabriel than to the others."
  44. Do you wonder why?
  45. 400-401: Pilar Ternera's zoological brothel.
  46. 402 Pilar Ternera's wisdom: "...a century of cards and experience had taught her that the history of the family was a machine..."
  47. 403 Incest and love: "A great commotion immobilized her in her..."
    a. 406 A wise Catalonian indeed: "The world must be all fucked up . . . when men travel first..."
  48. 408 "Upset by two nostalgias facing each other like two mirrors..."
    a. 409 Gabriel's departure to Paris:
  49. 412 "Aureliano could visualize him ... where Rocamadour was to die."
  50. 415 A wise priest: "Oh, my son . . . It's enough for me to be sure..."
  51. 416 "Who would have thought . . . living like cannibals!"
    a. 418 Aureliano did not understand until then how much he loved...
  52. 419 "Friends are a bunch of bastards!"
  53. 420 "And then he saw the child. It was a dry and bloated bag..."
  54. 421 Decoding the text: "Melquíades had not put the events in the order of man's time... they coexisted in one instant."
  55. 422 A wondrous discovery: "Only then did he discover that Amaranta Úrsula
    (. . .) because the races condemned to one hundred years of solitude did not have a second opportunity on earth."