303 Advanced Chinese 三年中文 春季班
Greater China: Commerce and The Media
Spring 2004
Sample Essay: 作文4
Learning Chinese
is an important part of education. According to Christian Science Monitor, you
cannot understand other people without learning their language. Most American
Students do not start studying foreign language until middle or high school.
Recently, the schools with financial
difficulties are even cutting the foreign language studies in
the lower grades in order to meet the higher standards in math, science and
English. Americans have not felt the importance and the need to learn other languages because
of their geology. They even expect other people to learn English. Most
Europeans can speak English, and in some countries, they start learning English
from the age of six. With the globalization today, not supporting the students to study
language is
財政 cai2zheng4 – finance
困難 kun4nan2 – difficulty
無法 wu2fa3 – unable
必須 bi4xu1 – must
經費 jing1fei4 – funds
及 ji2 – and
師資 shi1zi1 – qualified teachers
水準 shui3zhun3 – level
位置 wei4shi3 – location
zhong4yao4xing4 – importance
bi4yao4xing4 – necessity
趨向 qu1xiang4 – tendency
扶植 fu2zhi2 – support