Chinese 202 Daily Class Schedule

  Week 15 April 22 – April 24, 2024

Week 15

Class Activities
E-Textbook & E-Workbook: FluencyLink                                        

Preparation & Work Due
(after class)

Group Discussion
This Week

Practice reading and prepare for filming

Meet with Hendrix individually if needed – Group practice sessions do not meet




Final Project
In-class and small group writing session
Meet with Hendrix for your individual meetings to work on Final Speech
Have Sun Laoshi approve your writing
Practice reading your speech
post a video recording on this Final Vociethread

Poetry Wall Hand write your selected poem in the Common area of 2nd floor atrium in Wyatt Hall

Click here to view and download class photo

Prepare for Final Speech Project
5-min prepared speech to introduce yourself to your host family in Taiwan
You will film yourself and submit a video
recording of your speaking by the end of

We will practice during discussion session in Weeks 13-15
See prompt and class photos

1. By Week 13/14 discussion complete draft #1: share in Google Doc

2. By Week 14 individual meeting with Wang Laoshi: final revised speech | post on Edublogs with class photos
3. Weeks 15: (by Friday 4/26) submit final video,
post your video recording on this Final Speech Vociethread – find the slide that has your Chinese name and record your best try


HW15 Final Project # 1 Tang Poetry
Select from 七言絕句 Seven-Character-Quatrain  (#261-320)
  Post 2024 唐詩 Tang Poem on Edublogs
See Ying Sun’s Tang Poem website:

Poetry Wall 
Write your selected poem on the 2nd floor of Wyatt Atrium whiteboard
View Poetry Wall class photos