Chinese 201 Daily Class Schedule

WEEK 1 | Sept. 2 – Sept. 6, 2024


Week 1

Class Activities
IC Web App

Work Due
(in class or before class)

(after class)


Labor Day
No Class


Professor Perry: jièshào介紹
Intro:  二年中文
Small Group Activity:
2-3 students in a group;
2. Read the prompt out loud as a group in identify key info;
3. Use the suggested questions and practice Q/A

4. Write your name in characters: practice on paper & on whiteboard
HW1 (Part A)

Sign up to volunteer at the outdoor festival: 2024 Tacoma` Moon Festival

Submit before class or ASAP:
Student Survey
Complete during class:

Meet your classmates in a small group

Use prompt to identify key info
Find out more about one of your peers

Work together as a team


Download Skritter APP to practice Lesson 11 vocabulary.
Set up Skritter account and install APP on your phone (check email for Activation Code)
Skritter 201 class group

30 min. Study:  L11.1 Vocabulary (Skritter 11.1 | Purple Culture Vocab List: L 11.1 (or access Textbook P. 9 vocabulary + flashcards)
40 min. HW1 (Part A):
1. Watch Grammar Review Video 11.1: L 11 D1.1
(PP. 6-9
2. Complete Grammar Exercises: Type out in characters, including sample sentences. Save in a Google doc under 201HW1_
名字 (your given name in characters) share with &



 Week 3


Discussion group will be assigned based on your schedule, each session will include 4-6 students. These sessions will start on Week 3. Discussion sessions meet for 10 times this semester. COMPLETE AVAILABILITY SURVEY for speaking sessions ASAP.

IF YOU NEED HELP WITH HW1, please drop by Wy 240 to see Acacia for help. Her office hours this week:
Thursday: 3:30-4:30 PM
Friday: 2:00-3:30 PM



Q&A: identify key info
Go over HW1 (Part A) Grammar
Vocabulary Drill:

Purple Culture Vocab List: L 11.1 

Set up Skritter Account

Meet ‘N Greet

Friday 3:30-4:40 in Wyatt Atrium

Complete ASAP:
AVAILABILITY for speaking sessions
Complete during class:

Q&A Skritter

Understand how to identify key info
L11. D. Video Viewing Questions


30 min. Study L11 D1 vocabulary
40 min. HW1 (Part B):

1. Watch Grammar Review Video 11.2: L 11 D1.2 (PP. 9-11
2. Complete Grammar Exercises: Type out in characters, including sample sentences. Save in the same Google doc under the same file 201HW1_
名字share with &

Due Monday by the end of class both parts of HW1



To-do List by the end of Week 1:

§   Purchase FluencyLink Integrated Chinese 4E Vol 2 (required). Choose Traditional or Simplified one-year subscription. This is a digital subscription on the FluencyLink platform, including e-textbook, e-workbook with auto feedback, and character workbook in PDF. Be sure to get the correct edition;
the cost is $146.99.

§   Make sure you can access all online resource pages and tools. If not, try another browser and/or update your browser.

§   Install Skritter APP on your phone and join the classroom.

§   Read through Course Syllabus and be sure that you are clear on attendance policy and other goals of this course.


Tips on Studying Chinese:

§   Read and follow course schedule closely and keep track of homework deadlines and quiz schedule.

§   Use class time as STUDY time! Eliminate possible distraction during class time to allow your full and attentive participation.

§   Work on course material DAILY for at least 30-60 minutes.

§   Make sure all the required online tools and mobile apps work for you. Ask for help ASAP if you need tech support.

§   Allow yourself plenty of time to LISTEN (use the audio in the e-textbook and also listen to Sun Laoshi’s Grammar Video)

§   When working on HW2, use the vocabulary and patterns we have been learning! Google new words if necessary, but be smart about it!