Computational Guided Inquiry for PChem (Neshyba, 2014)

Exploring 1st-order perturbation theory

OBJECTIVE: Obtain 1st-order solutions to a perturbed particle-in-a-box


  1. Define the terms zeroth-order eigenfunction, corrected eigenfunction, and ...


In 1st-order perturbation theory, one constructs new, "corrected" eigenfunctions and eigenenergies based on known solutions to Schroedinger's time-independent equation for a similar, usually simpler system. We call the simpler system the zeroth-order system, $H_o$, and the system of interest is called the perturbed system. They are related according to

$ H = H_o + V(x) \qquad$ (1)

where $V(x)$ is called the perturbation potential. If $H_o$ is a particle in a box, we know its eigenfunctions are simple sinusoids, which we'll denote $\psi_{0,n}$, and its eigenenergies are proportional to the square of the quantum number $n$, and denoted $E_{0,n}$. See for details. A perturbation to this system can take on lots of different forms. Here's one, for example,

$V(x) = V_o(\dfrac{x}{L})^p \qquad$ (2)

whose form ensures that the perturbation potential begins at zero at the left-hand-side of the box, and increases to maximum value of $V_o$ at the right-hand-side; the parameter $p$ controls how the potential rises (e.g., if $p=2$, the potential rises quadratically). First-order perturbation theory provides a way to calculate approximate eigenfunctions and energies of the perturbed problem (i.e., $H$). These new eigenenergies are given by

$ E_{1,n} = E_{0,n}+<\psi_{0,n} | V | \psi_{0,n}> \qquad$ (3)

where the subscript "1" is meant to indicate this is a first-order perturbation theory result. The new eigenfunctions are given by

$ \psi_n = \psi_{0,n} + \sum{c_k \psi_{0,k}} \qquad$ (4)

where the summation excludes n=k, and where the coefficients are given by

$ c_k = \dfrac{<\psi_{0,n} | V | \psi_{0,k}>}{E_{0,n}-E_{0,k}} \qquad$ (5)

The notation $<\psi | ... | \psi>$ indicates an integral (often referred to as a matrix element), in this case given by

$ <\psi_{0,n} | V | \psi_{0,k}> \quad = \quad \int{\psi_{0,n}^*V\psi_{0,k} dx} \qquad$ (6)

See for details.


In [1]:
import numpy as np
from numpy import linspace, sqrt, pi, sin, trapz, zeros, size
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, title, show, xlabel, ylabel, legend

This code defines some constants

In [2]:
hbar = 1
m = 1

This code calculates zero-order wavefunctions

In [3]:
# Define parameters of the system
L = 1.0
x = linspace(0,L,101)

# This inline function returns the nth eigenfunction of a particle-in-a-box
def psi0(n):  
    A = sqrt(2./L)
    kn = n*pi/L
    psi = A*sin(kn*x)
    return psi

# This inline function returns the nth eigenvalue of a particle-in-a-box
def E0(n):  
    kn = n*pi/L
    E = (hbar*kn)**2/(2*m)
    return E

# Testing the inline functions
n = 1
title('zeroth-order eigenfunction of POB')
title('zeroth-order probability density of POB')
print "E = ", E0(n)
print "Normalization = ", trapz(psi0(n)**2,x)
E =  4.93480220054
Normalization =  1.0

Pause for Analysis #1: Sketch these graphs (both $\psi$ and $\psi^2$) in your comp book. Then modify the code to produce eigenstates 2 and 3, and sketch these too.

Next, we create an inline function that generates a perturbation to the hamiltonian.

In [4]:
# This inline function defines a pertubration running from 0 to V0, proportional to x^2
def pert2(V0):
    V = (x/L)**2*V0
    return V

# Graph it to see what it looks like
V = pert2(.1)
ylabel('V(x) (au)')
title('Perturbation potential')
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x106692a90>

Pause for Analysis #2: Sketch this function in your comp book for a few different values of $V_o$ (superimposed on the same graph) so you have a sense of how it affects the perturbation.

The code below uses a trapezoial rule to calculate $<\psi$|V|$\psi>$, the 1st-order perturbation energy correction to the energy of perturbed $\psi$.

In [5]:
# Choose the ground-state zero-order wavefunction
n = 1

# Calculate the perturbation
V = pert2(0.1)

# Get 1st order energy correction
E1n = trapz(psi0(n)**2*V,x)
print "Old energy, correction, and new energy:", E0(n), E1n, E0(n)+E1n
Old energy, correction, and new energy: 4.93480220054 0.0282672738222 4.96306947437

Pause for Analysis #3: Run this cell a few times, for increasing perturbation strength (e.g., $V_o$ = 0.1 to 1). Record any trends you see in your comp book.

Next, to test your skill: create a new inline function, called "pert3", that defines a perturbation running from 0 to $V_o$, but is proportional to x^3. Test it by graphing it, then evaluate the the 1st-order pertubation energy correction.

In [6]:
# This inline function defines a pertubration running from 0 to V0, proportional to x^3

# Graph it to see what it looks like

# Choose the ground-state zero-order wavefunction

# Calculate the perturbation

# Get 1st order energy correction

A little python interlude ...

A little python interlude ... In Python, the "range" command lets you construct a list of numbers. Play with the code below to see how this works.

In [7]:
nlist = range(1,5)
print nlist
[1, 2, 3, 4]

Also check out how you can select out some iterations.

In [8]:
for k in nlist:
    if k==2:
        pass # this does nothing
        print k

... and now continuing with our project.

The code below repeats the above energy analysis, but adds on a calculation of the 1st-order corrected wavefunction.

In [9]:
# Choose a zero-order wavefunction
n = 2

# Calculate a perturbation potential, V(x)
V = pert2(0.1)

# Get the 1st order energy correction, <psi|V|psi>
E1n = trapz(psi0(n)**2*V,x)
print "Old energy, correction, and new energy:", E0(n), E1n, E0(n)+E1n

# Generate a list of zeroth-order wavefunctions to sum over
kmax = 8
nlist = range(1,kmax)
cklist = zeros(size(nlist))
print nlist

# Loop to get a 1st-order corrected wavefunction (this is not normalized)
psi_perturbed = psi0(n) # Start off with the zeroth order wavefunction, with coefficient = 1
ik = 0
for k in nlist:
    if k==n:
        ck = trapz(psi0(n)*V*psi0(k))/(E0(n)-E0(k)) # Calculate the coefficient for the kth 0-order eigenfunction
        cklist[ik] = ck
        psi_perturbed += ck*psi0(k) # Add that contribution to the corrected eigenfunction, with appropriate coefficient
        print k, ck**2 # Print some results
    ik += 1

print "cklist =", cklist
# Normalize
norm1 = trapz(psi_perturbed**2,x) # Get <psi|psi> for the corrected eigenfunction 
psi_perturbed = psi_perturbed/norm1**.5 # Normalize this |psi>
norm2 = trapz(psi_perturbed**2,x) # Just checking that the new <psi|psi> equals 1
print "Old, new normalization:", norm1, norm2

# Graph the zero-order and corrected eigenfunctions side-by-side
title("probability amplitudes")

# Also the probabilities
title("Probability densities")
Old energy, correction, and new energy: 19.7392088022 0.032066817221 19.7712756194
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
1 0.0148038070186
3 0.00621617697389
4 5.78273076919e-05
5 3.14574602963e-06
6 3.61826177926e-07
7 6.36817227833e-08
cklist = [-0.1216709   0.          0.07884274 -0.00760443  0.00177363 -0.00060152
Old, new normalization: 1.02108138255 1.0

Pause for Analysis #4:

First, it's important to be sure that summations used in perturbation theory have converged. Using the size of $c_k^2$ as a metric for convergence, alter $k_{max}$ in the above code so that convergence is assured at the parts-per-billion level or better -- i.e., so that $c_k^2$ is less than $10^{-9}$. When you're satisfied that you have achieved convergence, sketch the perturbed wavefunction in your comp book.

Now, to test your skill: Find the converged perturbed energy, and graph the n=2 eigenfunction of a particle in a box having a cubic perturbation of strength (maximum value) of 0.5 au.