BORN: Buffalo, NY, 3/28/53.
Mom & dad: Jean & Bob
Brother Geoff, 3 years younger.
Sister Kathy, 6 years younger.
STUFF: (in chronological order, where applicable)
Met my two oldest friends, Gary and John, when I was 5 years old. Still count them among my best friends.
Nasty dog bite on the nose when I was 8. Check out the picture, it's heart-wrenching (poor little me!).
Went to P.S. 52 and P.S. 81 in Buffalo, NY, Hoover Jr. H.S. in Tonawanda, NY, and Kenmore West Sr. H.S. in Kenmore, NY.
Left home and traveled to far-off Albany NY to go to college.
Worked as a lab tech at Westwood Pharmaceaticals for 5 years before going to grad school.
Spent more years than he would like to admit in grad school at UMASS.
Met his true love, Lissa, while supporting his filthy graduate student habits by working at a the North Amherst
Gulf gas station. She looks great asking to have her "power steering fluid" checked (and doing most other things, too!).
They spent a year living in a farm house in the Blue Ridge while Mike was teaching at Washington and Lee
("Dubunell") University. The most beautiful place they've ever been.
Adopted the two most beautiful children on Earth: Maria (5) and Edgar (3).
Admires Muhammed Ali and Jackie Robinson.
Loves baseball and collects baseball memorabilia. Yes, Edgar IS named after Mr. Martinez!
Anything else you'd like to know, buy me a beer and ask.
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Mike Valentine
Contact: mvalentine@ups.edu