Submission Guidelines

Preparation of Manuscript

Submitted manuscripts should contain some definable contribution to title fund of social scientific knowledge. Short and quality articles (preferably not to exceed 30 typed double spaced pages) including footnotes and references would be preferable to long ones. The final criteria would be quality over quantity, excellence over mediocrity, and originality over redundancy. Manuscripts are evaluated by the editor and selected referees.

The manuscript should include a title page bearing the title of the paper, the author’s name and institutional affiliation and address (including e-mail address). This should be followed on a separate page by an abstract of 100-150 words with the title of the paper noted on the top of the abstract page.

In selecting articles for publication, the editor relies on the interpretation and recommendations of the reviewers although they do not bind the editor in the selection process, and the editor makes the final decision. The manuscript review process normally takes 10-12 weeks, and unless the author provides an appropriate self-addressed stamped envelope, hard copy manuscripts are not returned. Manuscripts accepted for publication are subject to editing.

Before submitting the paper, please prepare a copy according to our journals’ format, which includes the following:

1. Type all copies, including indented matter, footnotes, and references, on white bond 8.5 x 11 inch paper, double-spaced, and on one side of the page. Lines should not exceed six inches with one inch margin at top and bottom of the page.

2. All major headings should be capitalized and centered. All sub-headings should be indented five spaces, underlined, and followed by a period. Text immediately follows the sub-heading.

3. Draw each figure in India ink and type each on separate pages. Send copies of figures and tables but retain the originals for transmission to the editor as camera-ready copy when the paper is accepted. Capitalize all letters of the titles of tables and figures. Insert a location note in numerical order in the text, e.g., "Table 1 about here."

4. Footnotes should be used only for substantive comments not included in the main text. They should be numbered serially and typed double-spaced on separate sheets at the end of the text before references.

Format of References in Text

Identify all references to books, monographs, articles, and statistical sources at an appropriate point in the main text by author's last name, year of publication, and pagination where appropriate, all within parentheses. Specify subsequent citations of the same source similarly; do not use "ibid." "op. cit." or "loc. cit"

1. If author's name is in the text, use only year of publication in parentheses, e.g., Lipset (1963). If the author's name is not in the text, include both author's name and year of publication separated by a comma within the parentheses, e.g., (Dahrendorf, 1959).

2. Pagination follows year, separated by a colon, e.g., (Domhoff', 1970: 45-46).

3. With dual authorship give both names; for three or more use "et. al." e.g., (Lipset and Solari, J967) and (Rosen et. al., 1969).

4. If more than one reference to the same author and year, distinguish between
them by use of letters "a,b,. . . ." attached to year of publication: (Moskos, 1971a).

5. Enclose within a single pair of parentheses a series of references, separated by semi-colons, e.g., (Lang, 1971; Lopreato, 1972; Olsen, 1973).

6. For institutional/organizational authorship provide minimum identification from the beginning of the complete citation, e.g." (American Political Science Association, 1971: 85) and (United States Bureau of the Census, 1972).

Format of References in Appendix

List all entries cited in the text or any other items used to prepare the manuscript alphabetically by author and year of publication in an appendix entitled "REFERENCES". If there is more than one publication by the same author, use year of publication for subsequent citations.

Identify books by author’s last name, his first name and middle initial (where appropriate); below author's last name, place, year of publication; title of monograph/book; place of publication and name of publisher. In case of multiple authorship give full entry including names of all authors. Similarly identify articles by author's name, year of publication, title or article, name of journal, volume number and pages.

For typing format see examples below:

Journal Article:

Lewis, Robert A. 1977. A technique for the cross-cultural measurement of a dyadic formation. International Journal of Sociology of the Family, 3 (September): 137-144.

Book With Single Author:

Atkinson, John W. 1958. Motives in Fantasy; Action, and Society, Princeton, N.J.: Van Nostrand.

Chapter in Edited Volume:

Sears, R.R. 1961. Transcultural variables and conceptual equivalence. In Kaplan (Ed.), Studying Personality Crofs culturally, (pp. 445-446).Evanston, Illinois: Row, Peterson and Company.

Hard Copy Submissions should be sent to:

Sunil Kukreja
Department of Comparative Sociology (CMB 1092)
University of Puget Sound
Tacoma, WA 98416


Electronic submissions (in WORD format) should be sent to Sunil Kukreja (



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