Chem460 Lab Information


Week 2, Sep 8-11.

Experiment 1: Check-in, Buffers (Experiment 1_CheckIn09.doc)

preparing buffers example page (Buffers)

Week 3, Sep 14-18.

Experiment 2: pKa of 4-NP (Experiment 2_4NP.pdf)

Week 4, Sep 21-25. 

Experiment 3: Fumarase-pH profile (Experiment 3_Fumarase_2009.pdf)

Week 5, Sep 28-Oct 2.

Experiment 3: Fumarase-Stereospecificity and Thermodynamics

Week 6, Oct 5-9.

Experiment 3: Fumarase-Report Workshop

Bring your draft report!!!

I) What is the hypothesis and how the pH profile tells about the rxn mechanism?

-quality of fit

-relate to what is known

II) Describe rationale for making NMR assignments

III) Relate stereochemistry to position of groups in the active site

IV) Describe how to measure Q/K from NMR

V) Discuss if your rxn is at eq., and how you know. 

VI) ∆G=?  Is this expected?

Week 7, Oct 12-16.

Experiment 4: Modeling Protein Structure (Experiment 4_Deep View.pdf)

Fumarase Results and Discussion due in lab!

Week 8, Oct 19-23.

Fall Break, No Lab

Magic show Thursday, 4 and 7pm!

Week 9, Oct 26-30:

Experiment 5: Purification of Lysozyme (Experiment5_Lys_Week1.pdf)

Ion exchange resin technical documents (Q_SP_technical.pdf)

Week 10, Nov 2-Nov 6. (Experiment5_Lys_Week2.pdf)

Experiment 5: Purification of Lysozyme: Protein assay and Trypsin digestion

Week 11, Nov 9-13. (Exp5_Lys_Week 3.pdf)

Experiment 5: Lysozyme/Mass Spectrometry of Proteins

Week 12, Nov 16-20. (Experiment6_Lactase.pdf)

Experiment 6: Kinetics of Lactase

Week 13, Nov 23-27.

Thanksgiving Break, No Lab

Week 14, Nov 30-Dec 4.

Experiment 6: Kinetics of Lactase, Checkout

Week 15, Dec 7-9.

Last week, No Lab