Class Pictures


Twas the eve of the Natural Products party...


and Hannah was scared...

Peter and Karolyn told us about the tools to make natural products, 

while Kelli and David encouraged us to drink red wine...


The wild ones, Kim, Kelsey Y., and Amelia taught us which hallucinogens we could get on each continent in the world.


What Val looked like after a few me at least.


All Chris was thinking was mmmmmmmmmmmm Guiness.


Those egg rolls were unbelievable!


Val, Kristi, and Molly put on a great song and dance show about the Shikimic Acid Pathway...


...and Ann, Liz and Ben taught us how to poison others.


Chris and Charles managing the booze.

Kristen giggling (imagine that) and Dasher looking on, so proud of his Natural Products students.

Poisonous frog (Kristen), Dr. Al K. Loid (Chuckles), and Hippie (Chris) put on a skit about alkaloids...hahaha.

All the while Kelsey played with her pug, Harley...



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